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Bears Ears: Landscape of Refuge and Resistance with Andrew Gulliford

Background image of sandstone with hand print petroglyphs. Book cover of Bears Ears: Landscape of Refuge and Resistance featured with text box on top. Text describes book. Photo of Andrew Gulliford in bottom left corner and short bio next to it. Library logo in top right. Sponsor logo Great Old Broads for Wilderness in bottom right.

Join local author, Andrew Gulliford, in a discussion of his recently published book, Bears Ears: Landscape of Refuge and Resistance.

Designated in 2016 by President Obama and reduced to 85 percent of its original size one year later by President Trump, Bears Ears National Monument continues to be a flash point of conflict between ranchers, miners, environmental groups, states’ rights advocates, and Native American activists. In this volume, Andrew Gulliford synthesizes 11,000 years of the region’s history to illuminate what’s truly at stake in this conflict and distills this geography as a place of refuge and resistance for Native Americans who seek to preserve their ancestral homes, and for the descendants of Mormon families who arrived by wagon train in 1880.

Gulliford’s engaging narrative explains prehistoric Pueblo villages and cliff dwellings, Navajo and Ute history, impacts of the Atomic Age, uranium mining, and the pothunting and looting of Native graves that inspired the passage of the Antiquities Act over a century ago. The book describes how the national monument came about and its deep significance to five native tribes.

Bears Ears National Monument is a bellwether for public land issues in the American West. Its recognition will be a relevant topic for years to come.

Andrew Gulliford is a professor of history at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. He is an award-winning author whose books include Boomtown Blues: Colorado Oil Shale; Sacred Objects and Sacred Places: Preserving Tribal Traditions; and The Woolly West: Colorado’s Hidden History of Sheepscapes.

Sponsored by the Great Old Broads for Wilderness, 4 Corners Broadband.

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