Cancelled - Yoga Philosophy | 5:30-6:30p

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke, join, or apply. Yoga is usually translated as union, for its methods and practices lead to a profound integration of body, mind, and spirit. Enrich your yoga practice by learning and discussing the spiritual and philosophic traditions that inform yoga.
This series will be discussing the Yoga Sutras. We recommend The Path of the Yoga Sutras by Nicolai Bachman but if you have another version of the Sutras that speaks to you, you're welcome to use it. We have a couple of copies available to check out at the front desk. Here's an overview of the Bachman's book:
One of the great gifts of the yogic path is that it returns us to a life of simplicity, even as we go about our lives in a world of growing complexity. Through practice, we ultimately find the freedom to be who we really are, and allow others do the same.
This was Patañjali's original intention when he penned his legendary sutras. But when a text is over 2,000 years old, important things can get lost in translation. For today's yoga student looking to take their practice “off the mat and into the world,” Nicolai Bachman presents The Path of the Yoga Sutras.
By organizing the sutras into 51 core concepts that support the Western student in germinating and blossoming these potent “seed” teachings, Bachman has created a breakthrough tool for integrating yoga philosophy and practice, whatever your level of experience.
We will be dividing the reading as follows:
April 20: Sutras 1-11
May 18: Sutras 12-19
June 15: Sutras 20-26
July 20: Sutras 27-34
August 17: Sutras 35-43
September 21: Sutras 44-51
We have a Google Classroom set up to communicate more directly about the class.
Guided by certified yoga teachers.
Call to register for each discussion: 970-882-4127